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Mathemusically, a cent is a ratio of two (close) frequencies. For the ratio (a:b) to remain constant over the frequency spectrum, the frequency range encompassed by a cent must be proportional to those frequencies. Scaled, an equally tempered semitone spans 100 cents (a dollar) by definition. According to The Origamic Symphony, an octave — the unit of frequency level when the base logarithm is two (2) - spans twenty-six (26) semitones (intervals/measures), and therefore, 2600 cents. Because raising a frequency by one (1) cent is equivalent to multiplying this constant cent value, and 2600 cents doubles a frequency, the ratio of frequencies one cent apart is calculated as the 2600th root of 2 (~ 1.00026663).


Notes (+): + The cent is the rudimentary Double U currency object (used to measure/determine the size of twistor space); it is terminally and collectively measured as MONEY.

+ Our cents are special in that they may be used as currency in an economy, but also remain musical (i.e., they are both economical and musical). We identify cents by the symbol, ¢, which is superscripted before the numerical amount of the yield [like with the dollar symbol, $, as opposed to following the amount (as would be the case with traditional monies)].

See also
